Our Digital Fellow from Cohort 2, Awo Hussein, Informatics Specialist Midwife at Whipps Cross Hospital in London has written a blog about her experience on the Shuri Digital Fellowship. “The Fellowship is more than just a programme – it is a catalyst for change, a beacon of hope, and a testament to the power of unity and empowerment.” Read about her journey here:
UK digital health initiatives tackle racial inequality: The Lancet, 2022: We were featured in the Lancet as a leading example of a successful initiative to address racial inequality
How to improve your Job Applications: Hunter Healthcare webinar 14 December 2021: Guide to CVs, cover letters, building your brand and job searches.
Royal College of Physicians special issue on digital health 2020: Why Black Panther could improve patient safety
The NHS Digital Academy is a service model set up to develop a new generation of excellent digital leaders who can drive the information and technology transformation of the NHS.
NHS Clinical Entrepreneurs Programme: Develop the skills, knowledge and experience needed to successfully develop and spread innovative solutions to the challenges facing the NHS. Open to non-clinicians too.
FMLM Fellowships: The FMLM offers a range of Clinical Fellow Schemes that offer emerging clinical leaders with the opportunity to develop skills in leadership, management, strategy, tech and data, project management and health policy outside of clinical practice.
Topol Digital Fellowships: The Topol Programme for Digital Fellowships in Healthcare provides health professionals with time, support and training to lead digital health transformations and innovations in their organisations.
The London Digital Pioneer Fellowship is a 12-month programme that supports NHS staff in London and the South East, to lead and deliver digital transformation projects.
NHS Leadership Academy Leadership, Coaching and Mentoring programmes: Links to to wide range of national and local resources available can be found on the website: https://www.leadershipacademy.nhs.uk/resources/coaching-register/
The Royal College of Nursing Digital Careers Resource, July 2020: This is a fantastic source of information about current and emerging digital roles and innovations to help registered nurses and the clinical support workforce understand the range of career options available. We collaborated with the RCN digital team to identify contributors from diverse ethnic backgrounds and from across the UK. https://www.rcn.org.uk/clinical-topics/ehealth/digital-roles-and-innovations
NHS England’s Coaching and Mentoring Programme: NHSE has partnered with selected coaching companies and other leading-edge organisations to provide free, confidential, 1-2-1 coaching or mentoring support sessions for all NHS and social care leaders: https://people.nhs.uk/support-for-leaders/coaching-and-mentoring-for-leaders/
After the speeches: what now for NHS staff race discrimination? Roger Kline, 13 June 2020: The COVID-19 impact on BME staff, and Black Lives Matter, has prompted promises to tackle racism more resolutely. What should NHS leaders do to ensure faster progress to tackle workforce race discrimination? Here are ten suggestions for health and care leaders. https://blogs.bmj.com/bmjleader/2020/06/13/after-the-speeches-what-now-for-nhs-staff-race-discrimination-by-roger-kline/
Black History Month: What does this mean for digital leaders? October 2020: What actions can digital leaders take ? https://www.healthcareitnews.com/blog/emea/black-history-month-what-does-mean-digital-leaders
HTN Interview Series: How the Shuri Network was born and our main purpose: Sarah Amani, Network co-founder, 4 June 2020: “Our aim is to amplify the voice of BAME women in the digital health space so they get the same opportunities to not only land leadership roles, but to be supported so they can thrive in the digital health space.” https://www.thehtn.co.uk/2020/06/04/interview-series-sarah-amani-co-founder-of-the-shuri-network/
The Seacole Group is network of BAME Non Executive Directors in the NHS and their vision is that NHS Boards reflect the ethnic diversity of patients and communities they serve. Their website has useful reports and resources including recruitment advice and personal leadership stories. https://www.seacolegroup.com/reports
COVID-19 and the impact on BAME communities, Dr Shera Chok, Network co-founder, 28 April 2020: “The current crisis has been called a ‘once in a career opportunity to transform the NHS.’ Instead, perhaps we should call it ‘a once in a career opportunity to reduce health inequalities and discrimination’.” https://www.healthcareitnews.com/blog/europe/covid-19-and-impact-bame-communities
Diversity Still Matters, McKinsey, 19 May, 2020: Inclusion and diversity are at risk in the crisis, but are critical for business recovery, resilience and reimagination. https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/diversity-and-inclusion/diversity-still-matters?_lrsc=fbecf477-186f-4602-ada1-9e740b4877e7&cid=other-soc-lke#
Promoting Women in the Digital Workplace, November 2019: Using examples of initiatives including Microsoft and the Shuri Network, this policy briefing sets out how we can transform services and to achieve better outcomes through seeking voices from diverse backgrounds and upskilling public sector employees at all levels to be up to the task. https://socitm.net/download/promoting-women-in-the-digital-workplace/