Shuri Network founders and panel members at the network launch in July 2019

The Shuri Network is the first NHS and care network of women from minority ethnic groups in digital health. We are a unique team that has had a big impact on celebrating difference and diversity in digital health, challenging the system to take action and supporting women from ethnic minorities to succeed in their careers. We are named after Shuri, the Black Panther character who is responsible for her country’s technological success and champion safety, innovation and diversity. The Network is supported by NHS England.

Our Mission Statement

We will not rest until our digital workforce and leadership represent the wider health and care workforce and the communities we serve.

Join the Shuri Network

Membership is free and open to all (women from minority ethnic groups in digital health and allies who support our aims) and will ensure you receive our newsletters and updates about events and opportunities.

The national Digital Health & Social Care Plan published in June 2022 by NHS England and the Department of Health and Social Care cites the Shuri Network as one of the key actions for delivering a digital future and building digital skills: “We will continue to support the equality, diversity and inclusion agenda, including through continued support of the Shuri network for women from minority ethnic groups in digital health.” We are also included in the NHS England Three Year Delivery Plan for Maternity and Neonatal Services published in March 2023 as an initiative that supports staff to deliver safer, more personalised, and more equitable care.

We do the following :

• Increase the visibility of women from ethnic minorities and provide a national platform to share our contribution to digital innovation and patient care.

• Offer Fellowships, networking opportunities, podcasts and bursaries to support professional development and demystify careers in digital and data.

• Challenge the NHS to reduce discrimination and increase diverse representation at senior levels in line with recommendations in the NHS People Plan.

• Highlight successful role models.

• Highlight the adverse impact Covid-19 has had on ethnic minority communities and staff in the UK with the BBC and SkyNews and as a member of FEMHO, the Federation of Ethnic Minority Healthcare Organisations.

• Collaborate with partners including NHS England, Digital Health, NHS Providers, the NHS Confederation and many others.

We inspire change and open doors. We have won 5 national awards in the last 4 years:

We stand in solidarity with our community, our members and allies in the fight against racism. Our network has always stood for equality, diversity and safety. Black Lives Matter.